Thursday 24 June 2010

UK Budget influence

Been a couple of days since the last blog so a quick update.

I knew the Budget would have an influence but I was hoping it was going to be a good one. Since Tuesday gold has been slipping a little. I'm talking about pence rather than pounds so not all bad. The price when I bought was around £838 an oz and now it's £833 so not too worried. I thought the price would drop initially so I was ready to invest some more at the lower price. I was anticipating that a lot of investors were going to wait until after they knew how the budget was going to effect the markets first so the gold dealing would slow down a little. I have no idea or research to suggest that was going to happen but I am relying on common sense and a little reading about investing. I could be getting this whole thing wrong but only time will tell?

At the moment the price is around £836 buying price so creeping back up again.

Will write again tomorrow

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