Monday 14 June 2010

Owning Gold

The next move was to get validated within our chosen bullion website and to fund the account. This was simple and only took 7 working days to process and clear.

We thought it would be best just to start small and see how we went. You can never tell who to trust on the web? We did all the research on our chosen company and it all came back legit and above board. We asked anyone and everyone we knew who had any idea on the markets and all seemed slightly bemused that Gold was an option worth thinking about. Once they looked into it I think I might have stirred their ideas of investing too.

I have to thank my brother, well, for now I do but who knows in the future? He was the one who advised us in the first place. He invested over £60,000 and had doubled his money with 5 years. My Mother and Sister have also invested and they are making nearly 15% on their investment within 1 year. Not bad at all.

I think it was the timing and being so fed up with banks and their dishonesty mixed with their personal greed that has pushed us to look for alternatives to place our hard earned cash. I don't think I'm on my own here? I reckon the more people who do find an alternative way to get more for their money might make them sit up reform the banking system. I don't want to get all political but it does make me mad that the system will never be reformed and even after all the past mistakes things still haven't changed. I'm sure if a massive surge of customers took out their money and put it somewhere else that would have repercussions on the countries economy. That is the last thing we need.

Right, back on track again. We validated and funded our bullion account and bought some gold. That simple.....and it feels very good to know that we have taken control of our savings back.

Today is the first step and we'll see how things pan out (very bad pun) sorry.

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