Saturday 12 June 2010

A little background

Before I go into my the reason of starting this blog I just want to give you a little bit of detail of my background.
I have a very average background and had average education within our wonderful school system. I wasn't encouraged to learn or pushed to excel. If you became a star pupil it was because you had chosen and pushed yourself to become one. I chose sport over academics every time.
Once I had left school I wanted to become a photographer but didn't have the necessary qualifications to go to Art College. I had to go back to school and get a foundation level in English, Maths and an ology of some kind. I'd like to say that I went back to school and studied hard and passed with flying colours, reapplied to college and was accepted with open arms but I can't. I became a mechanic on the YTS scheme. It has helped me out on a number of occasions but not really what I had planned in life.
After a couple of years doing that I decided that it was too much oil and swarfega and not enough money to have as a career. Once again, I found myself looking for something else to do with my life.
I was 19, still living at home and frustrating the hell out of my parents. I couldn't think of any career that seemed to appeal to me and the lure of endless videos where on earth would I find time to work?
After a couple of years just ambling from job to job I decided to look into my prospects. The outlook was not good and I ended up, once again, in a dull job selling advertising space. This was also not for me. I stuck it out for a year but it was no good, so I left. Where? Was another story.
I ended up living in Spain, Santiago de Compostela to be exact and it was living here that I found my true passion, film. It is only when you have lost something that you learn to truly appreciate it. I couldn't watch a film in Spanish because I couldn't speak the language. It did force me to learn it but it took nearly 3 months to get going with it. I never really learnt enough to relax watching a film and understand everything that was going on. I did however find somewhere that sold Empire Magazine so I just read that all the time. I looked up the local cinema and found out that they had a film night once a month with the film shown in it's original language. I went every Friday like it was my church. I loved it and will always have fond memories of that place. Maybe I'll go back and take some pictures of the old film house one day?
It was nearly a year living in Spain and I read that the UK film industry had had a revival with a small film called, 'Four Weddings and a Funeral'. All the magazine was saying was how the British Film Industry was back on it's feet again. I had made the decision that I wanted get into the film industry. All those films that I had grown up watching weren't a waste of time after all.

Well, I haven't started this blog to tell you my life story as I'm sure there are plenty of those around and my story isn't so amazing that you would be interested anyway.

So, why have I started a blog? I hope this first post has shown you that I have no financial background or any experience in the stock market. I am just an ordinary bloke who is fed up of working my backside off and having banks take all my money. I have decided to take most of our savings out and buy Gold. I have set up all the accounts and will tell you how I get on. I haven't started yet so this could all end with me making a big mistake and losing everything but I'm willing to take the risk. I shall put a post up of everything I do and see how it goes. I hope this will be a success story but I can't promise that.

I hope you stay with me and even, if I do well? Try it yourself?

Well, without further a do...let's start.

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