Saturday 4 September 2010

Buy Buy Buy

Gold has dropped to a new low and this gives everyone to chance to buy more at the lower rate. It's a bit scary seeing that I bought at £850 and it went down to £747. Over the last few months I have bought at all sorts of prices so I managed to level out an average of around £820 an ounce.

I am still convinced that the price will reach all new highs by the end of the year even though the employment reports in the US weren't as bad as what they expected. It's early days yet but glad I waited for the results and the Gold price dropped temporarily, so I bought some more. It bounced back by the end of the day, which was nice.

I am tempted to spread my bets and invest in the markets but alas I will resist. Just for fun I would have invested in Oil, Tech, Wheat and Sugar. See how that works out. By my past experience they should all drop now. I'd make loads if I just bet against myself.

That's it for now.