Sunday 18 July 2010

No more stocks

It is official that I am a shares cooler for sure. My past investments have been a little weak to say the least. For example, I invested in 'Woolworths' thinking an empire with so many outlets would never cave in and someone would buy the lot and the shares would go up. Maybe it was a romantic notion of a bygone era but I remember the big Christmas advertising campaign every year and they had the biggest British stars clambering to be in it. Surely, this company could be pulled back to it's former glory? In fact, there were rumours that Peter Jones, the tall bloke from Dragon's Den, was interested in a takeover so that was my reason for investing in the first place. The price initially went up but I took my eye off the ball, as I can't sit and watch the markets for hours at a time. He pulled out and 'Woolworths' went bust. Personally, I think he had no intention of buying it but he probably bought a load of shares before announcing he was interested = Share price goes up and he sells and drops Woolworths proposal like a red hot brick. I nearly got it right but lost the lot.
Next, Northern Rock. Yes, I did by some shares in that too. Same principal but this time Richard Branson was talking about buying it. Shares soared, I should have sold, it went to the government and shares were suspended.
The day I invested in AIG( NYSE:AIG) the company director stepped down and so did the shares. Is it me or is there a pattern occurring?

Conclusion, I must stop investing in the stock market.

So, with this in mind I have carefully been watching the gold market. Guess what? It has slipped. I knew the market was volatile but it is still making me nervous. Since we invested there have been a few things happening in the World. First, massive oil spill and the subsequent ban on off shore drilling in the Gulf. The Euro Dollar rallied and gained for the first time since the Greece and Spain problems. Also, China decided to buy american bonds instead of gold. All in all, the markets have started to come back to life and people are starting to feel a little confident in it. Time will tell and I have a feeling it wont be long before a bubble somewhere will burst and the market becomes a scary place and people will run and hide somewhere safe. Where? in gold but I have been wrong before.